EcomDev PHPUnit Tip #12

For years, the test framework EcomDev_PHPUnit is quasi-standard for Magento unit tests. The current version is 0.3.7 and last state of official documentation is version 0.2.0 – since then, much has changed which you have to search yourself in code and GitHub issues. This series shall collect practical usage tips.

Tip #12: Cache

You can turn caches on and off per test, using the following annotations:

 * @test
 * @cache on all
public function testWithCache()

 * @test
 * @cache off all
public function testWithoutCache()

 * @test
 * @cache off all
 * @cache on layout
 * @cache on block_html
public function testWithSomeCachesTurnedOn()

 * @test
 * @cache on all
 * @cache off translate
 * @cache off config
public function testWithSomeCachesTurnedOff()

The annotations are executed in order, so if you use “all”, it should always come before all other @cache annotations.