5 Minute Tips: Magento Performance Tweaks

My “Week On StackExchange” Series takes a break at the moment because I don’t have not too much blog-worthy.

Instead, I’m starting something new again: Tips on a specific topic which you can read in 5 minutes maximum during coffee break. Mostly not by me, just found by me ๐Ÿ™‚

I don’t try to make it a regular thing but I have a loose collection of useful stuff so why not use the blog to bring order into it and hopefully it’s also useful for others.

Let’s start with Magento Performance Tweaks, all with little effort and can be used without hesitation:

Continue reading “5 Minute Tips: Magento Performance Tweaks”

Filtering Magento Collections: addFilter() vs. addFieldToFilter()

There was an interesting question on StackExchange recently that did not get much attention:

Magento collection has two methods for filtering:

  1. Varien_Data_Collection_Db::addFieldToFilter
  2. Varien_Data_Collection::addFilter

Seems that both methods add where condition to Zend_Db_Select. And what advantages does addFilter bring? When should I use it instead of addFieldToFilter ?

I had to dig a bit into addFilter myself because I was only familiar with addFieldToFilter and here is what I found:

Link to the question: addFilter vs addFieldToFilter

Continue reading “Filtering Magento Collections: addFilter() vs. addFieldToFilter()”

Design Patterns for Framework Agnostic Extensions/Plugins – Autoloading

Part 5 of my blog series on integer-net.com about framework independent code is out: Using Advanced Autoloading. This one is only relevant for the integration of legacy applications that do not use composer autoloading yet (Magento 1).

Previous Parts

  1. Introduction: Shared Code For Magento 1 and Magento 2 Extensions
  2. Accessing Configuration Data
  3. Using Dependency Injection
  4. Building Bridges
  5. Preparing Data For Output

Design Patterns for Framework Agnostic Extensions/Plugins

My new article series on integer-net.com introduces useful design patterns for decoupled Magento extensions, which are divided in two parts: the Magento module and a framework independent (framework agnostic) library, that is reusable for Magento 1 and Magento 2. Of course, the same principles can also be applied to other frameworks and applications.

Diagram of Magento 2 Extension Dependencies for Framework Agnostic Modules

It will not cover the refactoring process from existing extensions to this model, thatโ€™s a different topic and I am going to talk about it at Developers Paradise 2016 in Croatia. Stay tuned!

The first part is about accessing application configuration, using Configuration Value Objects.

Continue reading on integer-net.com โ†’