Magento: How To use the Secure Base URL for Custom Controllers

This question came up on Magento.SE and more people should know, how dead simple it actually is.

If you look at core/Mage/Checkout/etc/config.xml you can see how Magento defines for the checkout to use the secure base URL, i.e. HTTPS:


That’s all. You can configure your own controllers to use the secure URL in the same way and now Mage::getUrl() returns the secure URL for the configured routes and any unsecure request will be redirected.

Magento Bundle Products: Use Tier Prices of Simple Products


A Magento-Bug, that circulates in the Magento forums on and StackOverflow for some years, is that tier prices do not work properly together with bundle products. Over time there was some improvement but as for today (Magento CE 1.9) the following still does not work:

  • Associated products with tier prices and qty > 1 in the bundle
  • “Price as configured” display on bundle products with tier prices

There are some suggestions found on the web but more questions than answers, so I created a (hopefully) complete solution without core hacks and with only minimally invasive class rewrites. Until Magento gets it solved itself, you can use this module to enable bundles with tier prices:

SGH_BundleTierPrices (tested in Magento CE 1.8 and Magento CE 1.9)

Continue reading “Magento Bundle Products: Use Tier Prices of Simple Products”

Allow SVG Images in Magento Uploader

If you want to change the allowed image extensions for product images in Magento you will find out that they are hard coded in Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Attribute/Backend/Media.php and Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/Catalog/Product/GalleryController.php

However, I found an observer that allows you to change them along with other configuration of the uploader. This post explains how to create an extension to allow uploading of SVG files. Foundations of Magento extension develoment are presumed.

Continue reading “Allow SVG Images in Magento Uploader”